One of the most common nutritional deficiencies to affect your skin is a lack of essential fatty acids (EFA’s). Unfortunately our modern diet provides too little of these precious fats and because our skin is the last organ to receive nutrients from the blood, this makes it highly likely your skin is deficient. EFA deficiency impacts directly on the health and beauty of your skin as well as weakening it protective ability, increasing your rate of environmental ageing.
Luckily, a lack of EFA’s is also one of the easiest deficiencies to correct!

What exactly are these fats and why are they essential?
Most of the fatty acids your body requires for health can be made from the other healthy fats you eat. But this is not true of Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s as they are commonly known. There are two families of fats that cannot be made by your body, the omega 3 family and omega 6 family. These are called ESSENTIAL fatty acids because it is essential you get them from your diet.
One of the most common ways of supplementing your diet with EFA’s is to take fish oil capsules. Although the omega 3 fats in fish oil offer us many health benefits, they are not known for their ability to protect your skin. Unfortunately fish oil doesn’t provide the main fatty acid required by your skin.
So what oil should you be taking?
Bestow Beauty Plus Oil has been formulated with both your health and your skin in mind. It contains not only the omega 3 fats but the other important fat your skin requires for health and beauty. This fat nourishes and protects your skin from the inside, making it more resilient and less susceptible to environmental ageing. This fat is also great for both oily and dry skin. It helps balance your oil flow making it less likely to block your pores but nourishing enough to keep your skin feeling supple.

How to take your oil:
Although capsules are a very common way to take your EFA’s, they are also very hard to digest. This is especially true with our modern lives and the amount of stress we are under. Liquid oils, like the Bestow Beauty Oils, can be mixed into food making it much easier to digest.
It can be added to a smoothie, mixed into yoghurt or even used to make a salad dressing. By mixing it into foods you pre-emulsify these wonderful fats and make it so much easier for your body to absorb their goodness.
So keep eating oily fish for the key EFA’s they provide but also make sure you have your Bestow Beauty Plus Oil to keep your skin protected, free of blemishes and looking fabulous!
Our favourite good fat filled meal is this salmon based mega omega salad. Check it out here!